Sunday, February 20, 2011

UberTwitter Become UberSocial

Many users complained twitter via mobile blackberry ubertwitter dismissal of the application. ubertwitter dismissal of a warm conversation, especially in Indonesia. 

In his explanation on the compass ubertwitter twitter states that violate the rules established by policy. according to Bill Gross, the inventor who makes ubertwitter ubermedia there are three reasons that make twitter dismiss ubertwitter service. The first is about the long tweet, affiliate links and name change ubertwitter using the official name of the service.

This is an explanation of ubertwitter from kompas

Want to use Twitter on your cell phone? Use one of the applications below.

Twitter for Blackberry. Twitter for iPhone. Twitter for Android.

Regardless of how you access Twitter, we are determined to make Twitter better, faster and more reliable for you. As part of this effort, we advise that the application makers to follow our policies are designed for the convenience of our customers who use Twitter as a platform that is healthy. For that, we will take action to implement our policies.

We have stopped unilaterally and twidroyd API for violating our policies.

Every day, we unilaterally stopped hundreds of applications that violate our policies. Typically, these applications have a few customers. Today we announced to the public regarding unilateral termination of this because it involves a lot of customers and web users twidroyd.

We are committed to helping you to keep using Twitter during this interruption. You can download the Twitter for Blackberry, Twitter for Android, and formal applications other Twitter here. You can also use car sites or applications created by third parties.
Dismissal as a maker makes ubermedia ubertwitter changes its name to ubersocial. in addition there ubersocial, twidroyd, Echofon, and ubercurrent. even rumored to have bought ubermedia TweetDeck, twitter application for desktop computers.

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