Saturday, January 29, 2011

Homofily Heterofily


Homofily is the degree of similarity of pairs of sources and recipients of messages caused by the characteristics of attributes (elements of culture) of different cultural elements contained in the trust, education or social status.

To create an effective communication must be no similarity of meaning, purpose and objectives of both parties who are communicating, homofily in short words is common.

Examples such as the educational element, with a highly educated person to talk to people who are highly educated as well about the problems of governance, both people will understand each message delivered because they have the same background and this is called homofily.


Heterofily is a mirror opposite the homofily, heterofily is the degree of dissimilarity of the pair source recipient caused by the characteristics of attributes (elements of culture) of different cultural elements contained in the trust, education or social status.

In heterofily happen inequality with cultural elements between two people who do the communication impact is not effective communication occurs because of differences in the elements of that culture.

Example heterofily for example in education, someone who communicates with different educational background, one person graduates high school and one elementary school graduates, they both talked about the system of government, of course, effective communication occurs not because of the background two men differ.

Heterofily and Homofily is one aspect of the application of principles of intercultural communication in a context that is usually the subject of scientific study of psychology and communication scientists. Objective study of coherence in interpersonal interactions solidarity or solidarity, and the attitude of the involvement of members of the group. (Fisher 1996 in Rumondor 2003)


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