Sunday, January 30, 2011

Internet Phone

Internet Phone (VoIP)

Internet Phone can also be referred to as VoIP (voice over internet protocol). The technology that allows voice conversations remotely via the Internet. The simplest form of VoIP system are two computers that connect to the Internet.

The main emphasis for the VoIP is the relationship both in the form of sound. If both a location to connect with distance (inter-city, inter-state) then it could be benefits in terms of cost.

In the development of VoIP connections have evolved to grow any form of equipment and regular telephone can connect with VoIP. Forms of communication not only with voice but could take the form of writing (chat) and images (video)

VoIP Applications


One of the existing VoIP applications is Skype, Skype is a software application IP-based voice communications over the Internet among users of Skype. When using Skype, the Skype users who are online will find other Skype users and began building a network to find other users. Skype has a variety of features that can facilitate the users. Skype is also equipped with SkypeOut and SkypeIn which allows Skype users to communicate with conventional telephone users and mobile phones.
To use this application you need to register once to create an account to skype, each Skype user has a username and a password to log into the system skype.

Google voice chat

In addition to gmail skype also offers VoIP ie voice chat with google gmail we can send email, chat or telephone, just as we must have a skype account to log into the gmail system, before we can use this service on our computer should download the application that has been provided , the cost in Indonesia is $ 0.03 per minute, mobile $ 0.11.

Yahoo Messenger

Same like yahoo gmail is a company that provides electronic mail services (electronic mail), but can send an email we can also converse through writing, pictures or voice call, this service also requires us to register to use this service. The price offered for Indonesia is 0.039 USD Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Mobile $ 0.152, Indonesia, Surabaya $ 0.079.

VoIP Benefits

1. The cost for cheaper international phone to
2. Could use a video.
3. Communication becomes easier to do.
VoIP Weakness

1. Slow Internet network will block the delivery of sound and image
2. Vulnerable to hacker crime that steals data or disseminate phishing. Spreading viruses and so forth.
3. Vulnerable conversations would be tapped.

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