Saturday, January 8, 2011

Scientist Simulate The Sound Of The 'God Particle'

Scientists working in the lab-breaking particle (Particle Smasher) in the world, the Large Hardon Collider (LHC) for the first time after the resulting data into sound.

More than 40 million pieces of data are processed by the LHC every second. objrctive one, looking for the smallest particles forming existence of the universe, called the Higgs Boson or also called 'god particle'.

Till now, laboratory LHC is located at a depth of 17 miles below ground, on the border france and switzerland, have produced output data in the form of color images.

The idea of changing the data into sound coming from the European Laboratory for Particle physicists Physics (CERN), Dr Lily Asquith.

Using software, it changes the data into sound. Apparently, each particle has a 'personality', a unique voice.

Click here to listen the sound

'Sometimes we try to personify anything. And I think, electron sound, sounds like a glockenspiel, percussion instrument from Germany," said he, like the Daily Mail published.
Dr. Asquith include samples of the three column number in the LHC data to the software.

What kind of sound produced? It may not be described as music. but this voice will surely attract the attention of the fans avante garde - the people who produce innovative work.

Asquist recognize the sound produced does not give much information of the scientists. However, he hopes, someday there will be a bright spot for scientists.

New data on the origins of the universe is flowing very quickly form the LHC so that phsicists hope to extend the phase of the project 'Big Bang' till the end of 2012 - to uncover the mysteries of the formation of the universe 13,7 billion years ago.

Big Bang Mini Project was created in 10,000 ton detector in a tunnel, called Alice (A Large Heavy Ion Experiment).

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