Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sunrise and Sunset Photo Tips

1. Preparation Perform At best

Sunset and sunrise only lasted about half an hour. For that we must do the proper preparation before. Be sure to come early and make sure you already know from the point where you will be photographing. In order for the final composition of cool photos, do the previous observation.

2. Maximize silhouette

Things that add to the attraction photograph the sunset and sunrise is the silhouette. Silhouette gives a strong impression and gives the story in your photos, especially if you are photographing the sunset or sunrise in a location that has a strong identity.

3. Bring a Tripod

If you want to use long shutter technique - make the HDR or panoramic view: tripod must be brought

4. Use Manual Focus

Because of the sunset and sunrise have a fairly extreme quality of light, sometimes the camera will have trouble finding a focus if you use auto focus mode, immediately switch to manual mode so that we do not waste time waiting for the camera to find the focal point.

5. Use a Preset White Balance Cloudy

Change your white balance setting to Cloudy. Setting the white balance will make photo sunset or sunrise is warmer and the colors better, than when using auto white balance settings. Or if you like to experiment, try other white balance settings.

6. Use Spot Metering (SLR and Prosumer) or Sunset Scene (For Pocket Camera)

To obtain the correct exposure, use spot metering mode if you have an SLR and prosumer camera, or use the scene modes sunset / sunrise if you use a pocket camera beginners. For measurements using a spot meter, point the focal point to the area around the sun (not to be right in the sun - and it did metering with shutter half pressed, then lock your exposure. For a pocket camera (with scene modes), just point and snap. Understand the operation mode digital camera.

7. Do not Stop When Sunset Through

When photographing the sunset, do not pack your camera just because the sun has passed the horizon line. Hold on a minute longer, because the light just after sunset is one of the most beautiful light that issued the wild. Likewise with the sunrise, do not come too close to sunrise. The light just before sunrise is one of the most beautiful

source: (belajar fotografi)

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