Saturday, September 24, 2011

Strongest Eagle

That looks cute eagle is often referred to as the most powerful eagles in the world. His body can weigh 9 kg, body length 105 cm, and wing span of 2 meters. Claws longer than bear claws and has a strong grip, so he can break a man's arm or even through the bones of the head.

Harpy Eagle (harpia harpija) found in some areas of southern Mexico, Central America and South America. Harpy Eagle is the main prey monkeys, sloths, birds big birds like macaws, iguanas and boa sometimes.

Harpie spending time at altitude. He was hunting a way to fly around the top of the tree or from tree to tree. Monkeys and sloth that developed in the tropical forests are the main victims of this eagle. However, sometimes harpie also attack other large birds, such as the fig parrot.

In the nest harpie, the scientists also found the remains aglouti (large rodents) and other mammals that live in soil. This indicates that the occasional harpie also fell to the ground. When flying, harpie speed can reach 80 km / hour.

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