Journalism History in indonesia begins with the issuance of a press Indonesia Medan Prijaji by RM Tirto Adisoerjo (1875-1918), who since 1910 developed into a daily. Virtually, Medan Prijaji is the first newspaper published and led by seiorang national journalists, say the natives. Because, previously, the Dutch traders who frequently do business with the VOC was the first to publish a trade periodical. In line with the development of a national movement at that time, the fighters were using the mass media as a tool of struggle. So was published several newspapers such as the Eastern Star, Western Star, Java Bode, Medan Prijaji, Java Bode. By the time of Japanese occupation (1942), published the newspaper reporters fighters like Soeara Asia (Surabaya), Tjahaja (Bandung), and Ray Baroe (Semarang). But, once Japan entered an invasion, all newspapers are banned.
History Journalism in The World
History Journalism in The World
Instead, the Army issued Dai Nippon Asia King, Tjahaja, New Light, the Light and Sound Sun Asia. When independence was proclaimed on August 17, 1945, was published several nationalist newspapers like Soeara Merdeka (Bandung), Berita Indonesia (Jakarta), and The Voice of Free Indonesia. In the early days of independence, between 1947 and 1948, the Indonesian press are familiar prohibition. Several newspapers published by the People's Democratic Front (FDR), which later transformed into the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), muzzled. The newspapers are its Patriot, Labour, Capital Sound and People's Voice. But FDR did not stay silent party. He turns launched a provocation to boycott the newspaper the People of Fire, published by the National Front. Boycott by readers - are raised by political party - which has never happened in the days now.