An event that just happened to attract the attention of most of the public must be submitted as soon as possible. News of solid containing factual information compiled on the basis of the most important sequence is called a straightforward news, hard news. This straightforward news could attract the reader's attention especially if anything to do with news value of the above elements, such as war broke out between the two countries, suicide bombings, a volcano that erupted, and many more similar events. but there are times when this simple story contains a routine events such as the activities of government, politics, economics, courts, and others.
There are events or stories that are not able or difficult to be submitted as a straightforward news story than as a smooth, soft news, eg the full story contains elements of humanity. Daniel R. Williamson, formulate that Reporting in the form of soft news, such as features, as a creative writing story, subjective, designed to deliver entertainment to the reader. emphasis on the words creative, subjective, information and entertainment is to distinguish with the news delivered directly to the news direct.
Writing news or feature subtle than just described requires the ability to talk about an event. A good feature is the creative works of art, but factual. feature not fiction he dug an event or situation and organize information into an interesting and logical story. feature will make readers laugh or moved, infuriated or sigh heavily.
In a feature story, the author should control the facts by way of selection, structure, and interpretation, rather than the fact that control the author. Controlling the fact it does not mean to express an opinion. And certainly not fiction. Nor is manipulating the facts for the benefit of a view. But try to give a clearer view of reality as seen an observer that skilled and impartial.
Feature feature types can be grouped into:
1. Bright
Bright is also often called Brite, which is a small article concerning the humanity, are usually written in a style
anecdote at the end of the story.
2. Sidebar
Feature story is accompanied or complement a news headlines. The story of the great flood for example, can
be served with a sidebar about the interview with a victim's family, background stories of floods, or interesting
article about the rescue effort.
3. Personality or profile
Sketch of a sketch is usually short and only about one aspect of personality such as a person whose hobby like
collecting antiques. longer than the sketch profile, more detail, and psychologically deeper. tried to describe the
basic profile of what the individual actually was.
4. Interview
Although most features are based on interviews, features a special interview depicts a dialogue between a
reporter with others. Sometimes written in a question and answer format.
5. string of pearls
This is a feature 'collective' as in the series anecdote about general topics. Interviews with street people fall into
this category, such as Valentine's Day also features describing 'ten famous love letters of all time'.
6. Personal experience article
Written by a journalist or a journalist who writes for others who are experiencing a unique event, such as
crossing the continent alone with a hot air balloon. journalists themselves sometimes set up a unique
experience to be written.